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Award for wind park project in Bulgaria

At an official ceremony held on 12 February 2009 at the Bulgarian Ministry of Economy and Energy, Dr Stoyan Stalev, Executive Director of the InvestBulgaria Agency, awarded Vetrocom Ltd. a first-class Investor Certificate. Vetrocom received the certificate for the construction of a wind farm located near the Bulgarian city of Kazanlak. Vetrocom Ltd. is a subsidiary of the Swiss energy group Alpiq Holding Ltd.

First-class Investor Certificate for Vetrocom

Vetrocom will invest around EUR 80 million in the project over the next two years. The first-class Investor Certificate is the highest investor rank in Bulgaria and is awarded to companies with a minimum investment volume of BGN 70 million (EUR 36 million). According to the regulations established by Bulgaria's Investment Encouragement Act, such investments are promoted by means of various measures, including administrative and financial assistance in developing the necessary infrastructure for the project.

With a total capacity of 50 MW, the wind park is to be constructed near the Bulgarian city of Kazanlak and will be equipped with 20 wind turbines from German manufacturer Fuhrländer, each with a capacity of 2.5 MW. Construction is scheduled to begin in spring 2009, and the facility is expected to go into operation at the end of 2010.

Implementation of the project will create around 100 permanent and temporary jobs, among other things in the construction, electrical installation and transport areas. Construction of the wind farm in Bulgaria is part of Alpiq's strategy of increasing the share of renewable energies. The Alpiq energy group was created in early 2009 as a result of the merger between Atel and EOS.