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Award for Alpiq Polska

The Polish magazine Swiat Energii honoured outstanding performance in the energy sector for the forth time in a row in June 2006. Alpiq Polska was awarded two prizes: Manager of the Year 2006 and Trading Company of the Year 2006.

Szymon Duniec, Managing Director of Alpiq Polska Sp. z.o.o in Warsaw, was honoured by the jury as Manager of the Year 2006. This prize was awarded for his exceptional performance in Poland's dynamic energy industry in the past 12 months. The main evaluation criteria for the award were the business achievements of Alpiq Polska, which also won the award as Trading Company of the Year for the second time in a row.

Headquartered in Warsaw, Alpiq Polska Sp. z o.o. was established in December 2001 as a subsidiary of the Alpiq Group. Thanks to the dynamic pace of development of the Polish energy market, Alpiq Polska has become an active participant in local and international wholesale energy trading. The company is a member of the Association of Energy Trade Companies and of the Polish Chamber of Energy and Environment Protection. As the first energy trading company in Poland, Alpiq Polska is a member and an active participant of the Polish Power Exchange.

The Energy World Leaders competition was organised by the monthly magazine Swiat Energii for the forth time in a row. The competition is addressed to the energy, heating, fuel and gas sectors in Poland. This year companies and individuals from the sector competed in 11 categories including Client of the Year, Leader of Environmental Protection of the Year and Producer of the Year. In this edition of the competition winners were honoured for their achievements between September 2005 and June 2006. The jury nominated one winner and two awards in each category. The magazine Swiat Energii has been published every month since 2002 and is dedicated to the development of the energy sector in Poland.